Friday, 16 April 2010

on my way back i saw...

i appologise for being away. life has been fast and busy. still is. im holding down a full time job now which is big news for me! but excusses aside, i will be adding more to this in the coming months. the last few days have been a great encouragement for me in the creative and documentative arts, from drawing to song writing. Bogging is one of the ways i wish to expound my veiw on this whole process of living! so i intend to... expound that is... !

anyway some things i have in the planning process (which im writing down so that i therefore have to do it, or delete my blogg!) :

  • an account of my jouneying with steve around newcastle

  • an update on my life and job at the moment

  • my thoughts on the upcoming elections

  • a personal review of joanna newsom in general and then more sepcifically upon her new album which is amazing.

  • misc (the other things that ive seen, experienced, read, heard and done on my way back to this blogg)


(i used to write poetry about writing poems now i write bloggs about blogging.)

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